Sunday 19 September 2010

Wild Camp to Refugio d'Anglos

I covered about 11 miles to get to this lake and the cabana below, not bad when the average gradient is 50 degrees.  After a windy night, a quick breakfast, and a look at the map I was off up valleys that looked like Clint Eastwood would be at home in them.  Then as a pattern emerged in this new life I felt the comfort from understanding it.  The morning marmot's call; the bells on cows, sheep and goats; the night wind, the walking; meeting people; pitching camp; This was what I did now.  The beautiful views seemed to permeate your being and make you feel good.  I was looking forward to coming back and doing the whole East to West route, without the time pressure I was under now.
I thanked my instinct for checking me when I accidently started to go down the H.R.P (High Route Pyr.).  Then stopped by a lake and had a breather.  Next to me was a projecting rock about 30 metres high whose fancy  patterned rock face made it look like a city designed by Escher. (my battery was flat)
This was the view down to the lake on which stood Refuge dera Restanca an earlier refuge which hugged the side of this reservoir with menace.  It looked not unlike a place of containment during a certain war and from which men escaped only temporarily.
In fact I had met a lovely German father and his son who gave it a bad review earlier, when I finally saw it I was aware of the irony.  

I wasn't tempted to take a bed here, even though I met up with quite a number of walkers that I recognised from the long days trekking.  An Englishman called Alex, who'd been at the garage with me and the 3 Poles, was there and I chatted to him for a while.  His eyes flickered about as though something was restless inside him (Oh had I been there!). I left him and the happy Spanish couples and crossed the dam to pick up the GR11.

A girl was making notes sitting on a wall overlooking the water and getting away from the throng getting ready to chow down at the refuge.  I'd managed to get a shower there and felt champion.  Some dip in the mountains awaited my tent.

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