Thursday 16 September 2010

Wild camp -

“A journey is like marriage. The certain way to be wrong is to think you control it. (Go on, that picture's worth £4.00!)
This picture comes as close as any that I took to actually capturing the view from inside my eyes!
I never, nor would ever, get sick of looking at the beautiful mountain tarns [estanys in the Catalan].  They kept me company when the grasshoppers deserted me and the butterflies found pretty flowers to distract them, the lakes were not so fickle.
I walked up into the sun with the sound of planes passing over and marmots calling, looking back I was surprised by how quickly the site of my wild-camp got smaller and smaller. I was gaining height quicker I told myself.  Looking down constantly to place your feet without breaking an ankle could mean you missed choice views and I had to pull my self out of rock-crunch reveries often to take in a new vista.
At the top of the coll 'Port de Ratera' such a panorama of lakes opened up and I shared their beauty with other people who were up and about and had stayed at the nearby Refugio d'Amitges.  They smelled sweetly of soap and deodorant that my feral nostrils hoovered up in passing.  'Holas' all round with the odd 'bueno' thrown in.  By the next lake two men came into view as I was taking this panoramic picture:

They were two Frenchmen from  Bagneres du Luchon coming to catch some trout, or try to!  One of them told me there weren't many left and we had an amusing 5 minutes getting cormorants and eagles mixed up and feeling our way to the French word for trout as I tweaked my vowel sound until his stone face finally lit into recognition.  This sort of exchange would invariably engage my tear ducts, the poor fish! (joke!)
My tent up; the stove on; home in an instant, spag bol, a cup of tea and a biscuit, turn in to write some notes, but being on a stair thingy at the gym for 10 hours is not going to hold back sleep from my body once it's prone! The wind, though is a different matter.

1 comment:

  1. Having got up at 5am due to jet lag I decided to write huge amounts on life in general. At one point I wrote something and it immediately reminded of you.Being impulsive in order to follow your passions or dreams is in my eyes a very empowering trait.If you weigh up the consequenses of every action you are about to take you loose the spontoneaty.The inexplicable joy you can benefit from is worth taking the risk. Put the bad choices down to life lessons. I might be working backwards on your blog but I want you to know you are such an inspiration to us all. xxxxxxx
